About Coogara Consulting

Coogara Consulting is the trading name of Graeme Chandler.

Graeme spent 20 years in the IT industry in Melbourne (Australia) before moving his operations to regional Victoria in 2000.

After training for Borland Australia for almost three years, Graeme decided to develop his own training material and created Coogara Consulting. Graeme will travel almost anywhere to train in Delphi and Delphi Prism.

I operate as a sole trader, ABN: 92 366 804 785

Coogara Consulting
199 Sinclairs Rd
Strathfieldsaye Vic 3551

In case you're wondering, the Coogara is an Australian native tree. 

The main business web site is www.coogara.com.au


The double-C Coogara Consulting logo is a trademark of Coogara Consulting



Book delay
28 Nov 2013
Current work commitments are making it impossible to spend any time on the new FireMonkey book. I'm afraid its completion is going to be quite delayed. Sorry folks... please don't hold your breath.
New book in development
30 Sep 2013
I am currently working on a new FireMonkey book for Delphi XE5. I cannot forecast its release date at this time. When I know more I may post again.
Free eBook
27 Sep 2013
My new book, "OS X Setup for Embarcadero Development Tools" is, currently, free. I decided to consolidate the information from my other books concerning Apple sign-up, Mac configuration and app submission into this smaller book so that this information is not repeated throughout subsequent books. Download it from the Books page.
Future books
04 May 2013
Thanks for the enquiries about future books. At this time I don't have a release date for any new books.
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Book delay
28 Nov 2013
Current work commitments are making it impossible to spend any time on the new FireMonkey… show item »
New book in development
30 Sep 2013
I am currently working on a new FireMonkey book for Delphi XE5. I cannot forecast… show item »
Free eBook
27 Sep 2013
My new book, "OS X Setup for Embarcadero Development Tools" is, currently, free.… show item »

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